Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution Policy.

Our Complaints Handling Policy and Process

StudentPay is committed to achieving timely and efficient handling of complaints and abide by industry standard benchmarks, including the ASIC/ACCC Debt Collection Guidelines.

If you would like to make a complaint please email us at and we will do their best to assist you with the timely and efficient handling of you complaint.

We will handle any complaints promptly and fairly and provide you with information on avenues for resolving issues if we are not able to reach an agreement with you.

Alternatively, you can make a complaint in writing by writing to us at; Level 5, 171 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

We will endeavour to respond to any written complaint within 10 business days.

Where a complaint cannot be resolved within 30 business days, you can request that the matter be referred to our Internal Dispute Resolution Team who will treat your complaint as a dispute and endeavour to resolve it as timely and effectively as possible.

Our Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Policy and Process

A dispute refers to a complaint that we have not been able to resolve to your satisfaction.

The Dispute Resolution Process is available at no cost to you. We will keep you fully informed throughout the process and will reply to you within 15 business days provided we have sufficient information to deal with the dispute. Where we need further information, we will agree on an alternative timeframe with you.

What information we need from you

To enable us to process a complaint/dispute in a timely manner, we need full and relevant details in relation to the matter. This includes your full name, address, contact phone number, email address and all details of the complaint/dispute, including (where applicable) the nature of your complaint, the account to which the complaint relates, any applicable reference numbers for easy identification, the name(s) of our client or member of staff involved, and any action taken by you or us to date.

How we investigate complaints/disputes

All disputes will be dealt with by StudentPay in an objective, fair, reasonable and unbiased manner. All disputes received will be assessed on its severity, safety, complexity and impact.

How to lodge a dispute

If you would like to notify StudenPay of a dispute you can email us at or telephone on 0417 386 697.

Our External Dispute Resolution Policy and Process

If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction within 45 days we will inform you of the reasons for the delay and that you may be able to escalate the complaint or dispute to our client directly for resolution, or to an External Dispute Resolution scheme.

There are several external dispute resolution options which may be available, some examples may include:

  • the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (we will provide details of this service, which applies in the instance of disputes regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information or you can contact them directly via the process outlined via the following link)

  • the formal legal process, including: the courts, mediation, arbitration, and small claims tribunals